Same Sex Parenting in India

Family Building Options for LGBTQI Couples

LGBT couples have unique needs when it comes to building their families. Delhi IVF Clinic offers a variety of different options for gay, lesbian, transgender, intersex, and nonbinary couples.

We believe that the right to reproduction cannot, and should not, be limited by anybody but the patient. Our staff understands the challenges LGBT couples face when trying to start a family, and we welcome patients of all sexual orientations and gender identities. We treat every one of our patients and their partners with acceptance, care, and respect, regardless of their sexuality.

Because acceptance and respect have been Delhi IVF Clinic’s policy for decades, we have become a trusted medical provider to the LGBT community. Delhi IVF Clinic, indeed, prides itself for having been a pioneer in this area of reproductive care. With a strong international fertility treatment program, Delhi IVF Clinic has also been a provider to members of the LGBT community from all over the world.

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Services for Male Patients

Whether single or in a relationship/marriage with a same sex partner, men usually require an egg donor and a gestational carrier (surrogate). Delhi IVF Clinic offers a highly respected donor egg program, which, likely, has the largest and most diverse egg donor pool of any program in the U.S., if not the world. Our donors are carefully prescreened, and because of the large number, most patients will find a donor of their liking instantly, thus avoiding the usual long waiting periods at most other IVF centers. Our egg donor pool can be viewed here.

In addition to the basic information you see in the egg donor “wish list” system, we maintain detailed further information about each donor and her family, which will be accessible to you once you become a patient of Delhi IVF Clinic.

Although Delhi IVF Clinic does not maintain its own pool of surrogates (gestational carriers), we routinely work with a number of reputable surrogacy agencies that offer gestational carrier services. Surrogacy can be a challenging process, involving many parties. We strongly recommend that our patients choose their surrogacy agency carefully, and will be happy to make recommendations. We also recommend that our patients allow us to review the qualifications of their surrogate before they make a final choice. Finally, we strongly recommend that all involved parties obtain solid legal counsel before committing to any surrogacy contracts. We will gladly put you in touch with legal experts specializing in this area.

Services for Female Patients

Delhi IVF Clinic serves single females as well as female same-sex couples, married or not. Services can take various directions, depending on who wishes to conceive and whose eggs (oocytes) are to be utilized. Uniformly, a sperm donation will be required, and Delhi IVF Clinic works with a number of reputable, FDA-approved sperm banks. On some occasions, patients choose sperm of a friend and/or acquaintance in a so-called “open” sperm donation. In such cases, the sperm needs to be quarantined for at least 6 months prior to use.

Donated sperm can be used for intrauterine insemination (IUI) if the baby-carrying partner has functioning ovaries, tubes and uterus; when there are other problems involved, such as blocked tubes, diminished ovarian reserve and so on, the donated sperm can be used in an in vitro fertilization (IVF) process.

Some lesbian couples choose to undergo a process in which one partner’s fertilized eggs are placed into the other partner’s uterus, so that both partners have a biological or genetic connection to the baby. At Delhi IVF Clinic, patients decide what represents the best option for them, and our physician and staff will help you make that decision with up-to-date information.

The procedure that is right for you will depend on your reproductive goals. We offer a wide variety of options for conception, including IUI and IVF. Embryo donation may be another good option for some couples, although Delhi IVF Clinic has only a limited number of embryos available at any given time.

Services for Transgender Patients

Delhi IVF Clinic is proud to offer fertility services to transgender couples, individuals who are transitioning, and gender non-conforming individuals. This may include egg donation, sperm donation, and/or surrogacy, depending on each couple’s unique situation. Our broad range of options and years of experience positions Delhi IVF Clinic in an ideal position to offer the best and most informed care according to your needs. Delhi IVF Clinic is dedicated to working closely with every patient to develop a care plan and fertility strategy that is best suited for them.

Services for Intersex Patients

Individuals born with an intersex condition face unique challenges when choosing to start a family, but many options are available to those who wish to become parents. Delhi IVF Clinic offers treatment options in a sensitive, respectful environment for intersex individuals and their families.